Post information about your own local homeschool groups, or check out listings for your area below!

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If you would like to post a public event for a specific date and time, go here instead: Community Events

Zone 1: Southeast

School Divisions: Southeast Cornerstone, Good Spirit, Holy Family RCSSD, Christ the Teacher RCSSD

Zone 2: Southwest

School Divisions: Prairie South, Chinook, Sun West, Holy Trinity RCSSD

Zone 3: Regina & Area

School Divisions: Regina, Regina RCSSD, Prairie Valley, Holy Family RCSSD

Zone 4: Saskatoon & Area

School Divisions: Saskatoon, Prairie Spirit, St. Paul's RCSSD

Zone 5: Northeast

School Divisions: Horizon, North East, Northern Lights, Saskatchewan Rivers, Creighton, Ile-a-la-Crosse, Prince Albert RCSSD

Zone 6: Northwest

School Divisions: Living Sky, Lloydminster, Northwest, Light of Christ RCSSD, Lloydminster RCSSD