We are the official voice of home-based educators in Saskatchewan. We assist in creating a positive social network and a positive political environment for all those who choose home-based education. We also provide supportive, social and instructional resources for our members.
Visit our About page to learn more about SHBE, and consider becoming a member today! As you explore our website, please reach out if we can assist you in any way! You may also find our Facebook page helpful in your homeschooling journey!
SHBE supports these Rights of Home-Based Educators in our province:
The Right to educate your child according to your conscientious beliefs;
The Right to privacy, including freedom from home visits;
The Right to protection from intrusions by officials;
The Right to choose or make any curriculum for your children;
The Right to choose the approach, method and philosophy you want for your family.
SHBE also supports these Rights of Home-Based Learners in our province:
The Right to receive an education from those who love you most, your parents;
The Right to privacy, including freedom from home visits;
The Right to protection from intrusions by officials or other special interest groups;
The Right to access post-secondary education, apprenticeship programs, and vocation training;
The Right to have your education recognized in an equitable manner.